• 圖書館借閱規則

  • 凡教會開放時,圖書館開放給大家使用。本館採用自助借書還書方式。
    請選好書後,在書架上找到一個紅色活頁夾,那是圖書借閱登記本。請在上面登記。每人限借10 項, 借閱期限為4週。還書也要在圖書登記本相關的欄目登記。如需續借,也請在圖書登記本上登記。續借期限為4週。

  • Church Library Rules

  • This library will open when the church is open. You can borrow and return books by yourselves.
    When you finish choosing your book, you can find the Red folder on the bookshelf, which is the “Book Borrowing Registration Log”. Please register on that log. The maximum number of items you can take is 10. Then you are allowed to have them for 4 weeks. When you return the book, please register on the corresponding column on the “Book Borrowing Registration Log”. If you need to renew your book, you have to register on the “Book Borrowing Registration Log”. After renewing, you are allowed to have them for another 4 weeks.
    聯絡我們:299 Browning Lane,Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 (856-428-1398, chccc_office@yahoo.com)

    © 櫻桃山華人基督教會